Raise your hand if you read a novel and it plays out as a movie in your head. Me too! Which is why I love the idea of book trailers. Movies have them and if books are movies on paper (but better—as a book nerd, I’m obliged to say that), then books should have them too. Granted, they are so much work to put together. Especially if you’re in the writing business and not the movie-making business.
Thankfully, I have a somewhat artistic eye, a decent movie making program, and a lot of help. And stock video. I will forever be grateful for stock video (and stock photos for that matter).
As a reader, I like to watch book trailers. They’re an excellent visual for getting a sense of the story. Amazon’s “look inside” feature is great for getting a sense of writing style. And reviews are a nice glimpse at how other readers feel about the book. The perfect trio.
With this in mind, I’ve decided my novels all need their own trailers, if possible. You can view the trailer for Finding Grace here.
A trailer for The Tempo of Kindness drops Friday, June 19, 2020. One more month until release!
Happy trailer watching!